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Japan’s sobbing politician set to make everyone get wild in the club with dubstep remix 【Video】

Jul 7, 2014

PD 2

Until about a week ago, Ryutaro Nonomura was a relatively unknown prefectural assemblyman from Hyogo in Japan’s Kansai region. Name recognition is extremely important for politicians in Japan, where ballots often require voters to write in the name of the candidate they’re voting for, so under normal circumstances the fact that the whole country now knows who Nonomura is would be a major boon for his political career.

Unfortunately, “manically crying while responding to allegations of misuse of government funds” is anything but normal, but that’s exactly what has caused Nonomura’s sudden rise to fame. Aside from making citizens shake their heads at the conduct of public officials, Nonomura’s meltdown has caused people to both laugh and cringe.

And now, it’s ready to make them dance.

A talented musician recently used his guitar to replicate every sob, choke, and howl from Nonomura’s bizarre press conference. Things have since come full-circle, and this time, instead of using music to create the voice of the crying politician, his voice is being used to create music.

Niconico Douga user Rin Ginsuke recently uploaded this dubstep version of the embattled Hyogo assemblyman’s speech, which has since made its way to YouTube. Aside from such fractured Nonomura quotes as “giin to shite/as an assemblyman,” and “yo no naka wo kaetai/I want to change the world,” the track of course makes use of prodigious sampling of the politician’s crying. Overlaid onto an aggressive beat, though, the shouting and wailing sounds less like Nonomura is giving into the despair of having his potential transgressions exposed, and more like he just stepped into the club and is totally amped.

Internet commentators have also been energized by Rin Ginsuke’s work.

“Pump it up!”
“Now he’s Technonomura.”
“Hyogo must be so proud.”

While Nonomura has yet to be convicted of any legal wrongdoing, it’s likely the fallout from his outburst has largely put the brakes on any ambitions he may have had of running for higher office. It’s common for Japanese statesmen to enter the private sector after they retire from civil service, though, and it looks like Nonomura may be able to parlay his notoriety into a career in the recording industry.

▼ He’s already working on his his “Everybody make some noise!” pose.

Source: 9 Post, Niconico Douga
Top image: YouTube
Insert image: Girls Channel

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