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Aliens scheduled to land in Fukuoka at the end of July!

Jul 18, 2014

alien stingray 1

Aliens. We’ve always speculated on their existence. Do they already live among us or are they waiting in space to make their appearance suddenly and violently known to us? We recently believed that they might be real with their sudden attendance at a baseball game earlier this year, but those aliens were ejected from the stadium and locked away before we could get their story.

Perhaps, we will now ascertain the truth! Five cousins of the aliens from Independence Day have crashed their brown, corrugated spaceship in Japan and finally we have the proof we’ve always longed for. More about why they’re here, how long they’ll be staying, and how we can learn more about them after the jump.

The exciting announcement about their arrival came to us from Marine World Umi no Nakamichi, an aquarium located in Fukuoka City on the island of Kyushu. After serious negotiations these five creatures with unfamiliar features agreed to a short-term exhibition. Their days until the opening have been spent touring the great city of Fukuoka, which just placed in the top ten for most livable cities in the world.

 ▼“There be aliens out there.”

Their arrival seems almost too perfectly timed with a brand new exhibit at the aquarium that has been described as “the strange creatures in the ocean”. These creatures are certainly from an exotic and mysterious land and will likely fit right into the exhibit. In fact, a special role has been allocated to these guys, with four of them hovering around the ceiling, displaying their awesome powers, while the last will stay behind a protective glass barrier and allow us mere humans a “close encounter”.

They will partake in the exhibit from July 19 to August 31 at Marine World Umi no Nakamichi. The price to see these magnificent beings is the entrance fee to the aquarium, a measly 2,160 yen (US$20.30) to meet an alien! The public is anxious to see them as their photos from the Marine World Facebook page have already garnered a lot of attention.

 “They’re kinda cute!”

“They’re kinda creepy!”

“We’ve finally caught them…aliens!!”

“They look like they could be in Ultraman!”  

Their presence on our marble planet is for a short time only, so grab your wallet and head to Fukuoka for a chance to meet these exciting aliens for yourself! We tracked down some interstellar travelers ourselves to get their opinion on these exciting visitors.

“Those are no aliens I know of!”

What?!?! What does Ultraman know? Does he even leave Earth?!?!

“Uh, I don’t think those are aliens, I think they might be stingrays.”

No, this can’t be…let’s go straight to the familial source!

“Yeah…those are stingrays

We disappointingly interrupt this RocketNews24 article with this breaking news. They are indeed stingrays. Stingrays are still cool though! Get a good look at them and tell all your friends before they know any better! Head down to Marine World Umi no Nakamichi and find more mysterious and strange creatures from the sea at their special exhibit, running from July 19 – August 31!

Bottoms of stingrays look suspiciously like creatures from outer space.

Source: Net Lab
Images: Facebook (マリンワールド海の中道), Ultraman Wiki (Ultraman), Space Dandy Wikia (Dandy), Aliens Wikia (Independence Day

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