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Pawsitively ameowzing! Japan’s crazy cat people create cute crafts with kitty fur

Nov 25, 2014

Kitty owners out there will know that the struggle is real when it comes to battling shedding, especially if you have a long-haired cat. But what to do with all those clumps of fur that accumulate after a brushing? Well, netizens in Japan have begun recycling unwanted feline detritus by utilizing an innovative method of crafting to create beautiful works of furry art, meaning that not a whisker needs to be wasted! Join us after the jump for more on these critter creations!

The crafting method in question is called needle felting, and usually involves stabbing a barbed needle repeatedly into a lump of fleece in order to mold and shape it into a variety of different creations. Netizens in Japan have been innovating, however, by swapping the fleece for lumps of cat fur!

Here is one I made earlier using fleece (but I’m totally going to use my cat’s fur next time!) Needle felting takes great concentration, as accidentally stabbing yourself with a barbed needle may lead to a whole world of pain.

Let’s check out some more of these adorable fuzzy creations!

▼ Here’s Scotch admiring the kitty doll his owner has started to craft using his own fur! According to the owner, needle crafting with fur is surprisingly easy!

▼ Come on, how cute are these sweet kitty finger puppets!?

▼ This snowy-white kitty has its own adorable Mini-me!

▼ Here’s blogger Maaaon’s kitty proudly posing with her creation! The eyes are a perfect match!

Depending on your sensibilities, this is either extremely creepy and gross or adorably touching and sweet. Imagine being able to cuddle a tiny replica of Kitty made with his own fur after he has sadly departed to the big cat basket in the sky. It’s the ultimate pet memento!

So, what do you think of “kitty crafting”? If you’re still not convinced, then consider this: at least it’s not as bad as the woman who knitted her own hair into a sweaterEew.

Images: © Evie Lund/RocketNews24,

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