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Hello Kitty dim sum restaurant serving up dishes of cuteness in Hong Kong

Jul 16, 2015


For diehard Hello Kitty fans, no trip to Hong Kong is complete without a visit to the Hello Kitty dim sum restaurant. On a recent trip there, I had to go and check it out for myself. So it was that on a Saturday night I dined alone on some ridiculously cute Hello Kitty Chinese cuisine.

The restaurant was pretty crowded when I arrived on a rainy Saturday night, so I had to wait over 15 minutes for a table. Whilst waiting I took plenty of photos of the restaurant’s interior. It was fully kitted out (pun intended) in all things Hello Kitty.

From the chairs, to the lampshades, to the tables and walls, there were carved, embossed and printed designs of the world’s most famous cat.

There was even a cabinet of Hello Kitty merchandise.

Once seated, I received a menu – all in Chinese. Unfortunately, there’s no English menu available here, which made for interesting ordering. A pot of tea and a bowl of cashews covered in a sweet honey and sugar-coated with sesame seeds were served as a starter snack (this wasn’t free, as I discovered when I got the bill at the end of the night).

Even the chopstick rests were in the shape of the famous kitty’s hair bow.

One of the waitstaff spoke a little English and had notes on-hand of some of the menu items. I ordered a number three, a number four, and a number five. You’ll want to take note of these numbers if you don’t read Chinese, since not all the menu items listed have a picture.

Number four was shrimp dumplings. They were super tasty and very satisfying. And more importantly, they were perfectly Hello Kitty-themed.

These were almost too cute to eat, but alas they were devoured.

Dish number five was BBQ pork buns in the shape of the hair bow, complete with Hello Kitty plastic toothpicks.

Dish number three wasn’t quite what I thought it was going to be. I was expecting something savoury because it looked like a dumpling, but these were actually lotus seed buns. All was forgiven when they were brought out. These were sweet, more of a dessert item, and so cute to look at.

And because I still wanted more Hello Kitty tasty cuteness, I added an order of dish number 103 – a Hello Kitty scoop of rice with prawn, crab, and broccoli served in a sauce with a gloop-like consistency. I admittedly only ordered this for the photo-op, and honestly, I can’t say I cared for the flavor. I had a case of diner’s remorse after ordering this particular dish, so suffice to say it definitely looked better than it tasted.

And for those that like to enjoy social media as they dine, the restaurant even has free Wi-Fi!

The dining experience was definitely entertaining and I walked away with a full stomach. There are plenty of dishes available on the menu, the majority of which are not Hello Kittythemed.

Dim sum is not really a solo cuisine. It really was way too much food for one person, but I couldn’t resist ordering as many of the Hello Kitty food items my stomach could handle. Luckily, though, you can take home the leftovers, in not a doggy bag, but a kitty bag, of course!

It was definitely the most a-meow-sing themed restaurant I’ve been to in a while.

Restaurant information:
Hello Kitty Chinese Cuisine Restaurant
Address: 332-338 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
5 minute walk from Jordan MTR station, exit C2
Open 11 a.m.-11 p.m.

Images  ©RocketNews24

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