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Volcanoes, castles and more: 10 of Japan’s best drone-shot videos to give you wanderlust【Video】

Nov 12, 2015


Drones have sort of exploded in our cultural conscious over the last few years, garnering both media and political attention. Like many other countries, the skies of Japan seem to be full of the whirring, buzzing devices, and while the government and society are still trying to figure out exactly how they feel about these all-seeing sky robots, YouTube is quickly filling up with gorgeous videos shot with drones!

There are, of course, far more than 10 awesome Japanese drone videos up on YouTube, but after careful consideration, we’ve selected the ones that really inspired some wanderlust in our hearts. Nothing makes a person want to pack up and go like a beautiful video showing off a new gorgeous locale, and these 10 have that in spades!

First, let’s start with something a bit unsettling: Volcanoes! Japan has a number of volcanoes—something that those of us who call this island home try not to think about too much—and here’s one video that will inspire fear and awe at the same time!

▼ The molten magma of Mt. Sakurajima in Kagoshima Prefecture

The country also has a wide variety of environs from forested mountains to rolling sand dunes to tropical islands. Even if you live in Japan, you might not get the chance to see every corner of the country—though these videos will certainly make you wish Golden Week lasted a little longer!

Kegon Falls in Tochigi Prefecture

▼ Tottori Sand Dunes in Tottori Prefecture

▼ Hateruma, an Okinawan island in Yaeyama District

▼ Yoshino Mountains in Nara Prefecture

▼ Tokachidake Onsen in Kamifuranocho, Hokkaido

Of course, Japan has plenty of interesting architectural spots to enjoy as well. From the ruins of “Battleship Island” to stunning castles to giant Buddhist statues, there are lots sights to be enjoyed throughout the country!

▼ Battleship Island

▼ A “furusato” (old village) in Tono, Iwate Prefecture

▼Ushiku Daibutsu in Ibaraki Prefecture

▼ Matsumoto Castle in Nagano Prefecture

Okay, this is actually number 11, but we just couldn’t decide between these two castle videos!

▼ Turuga Catsle in Fukushima Prefecture

Obviously, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other drone videos out there that show off all of Japan’s awesome destinations, so be sure to share your favorites with us and help make the wanderlust even worse!

Top image: YouTube/doroemon (1, 2), YouTube/Yumoto Hounoya, YouTube/Yaeyama Kuchu Sanpo Yaeyama Kusatsu

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