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Muscle Men Making Macho Mochi Must Mean Magnificent Memories!

Jan 5, 2016


Do you like hunky, muscle-bound men and mochi? Then we have the perfect event for you!

The macho cafe was quite a hit last spring, and their muscle man idol group looks like it got plenty of love last year as well. They also helped cool people off with shaved ice over summer (and then heat them up again with their sexy bods).

▼ One cup of shaved ice and a swooning couch coming right up!

▼ Shaved ice and a free (gun) show!

So, it should come as no surprise that our favorite hunks are back this winter with more seasonal fun. This time, they’ll actually be putting their biceps to use making mochi with a special mochitsuki event this Friday!

▼ The traditional mallet and mortar used for pounding mochi


If you’ve never seen mochitsuki, it’s a fairly simple but time-consuming and physically demanding process. Polished, cooked rice is soaked overnight and then placed in a mortar like the one pictured above. Then, two people get to work, usually with one pounding the rice with the mallet and the other turning and wetting it in-between blows, though sometimes they’ll both go at the rice with mallets. That’s the standard way mochi is made, though we’re sure you can find plenty of variations, like having muscle men turn mochitsuki into a macho event complete with DJs!

The Macho Mochi Night will be this Friday and starts at midnight and runs until 5 a.m. at one of Shibuya’s famous night clubs, so it’s clearly not your typical family event. If you’re feeling down about getting back to work after the new year, this might be a great way to blow off steam and enjoy some mochi!

Event Information
Venue: Cafe x Lounge MICROCOSMOS
Address: 2F Fontis Building, 2-23-12 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0043
〒150-0043 東京都渋谷区道玄坂2丁目23−12 フォンティスビル2F
Phone number: 03-5784-5496
Date and time: 1/8 (Friday) 24:00 to 5:00
Tickets: 2,000 yen/US$16.50 (advance), 2,500 yen/$21 (day of)

Sources: Japaaan, Peatix
Featured image: Peatix

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