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This could be our first look at Nintendo’s next-generation gaming controller

Mar 24, 2016

There’s been lots of speculation about Nintendo’s next generation gaming console, which will reportedly be called the NX.

Now that speculation is likely to get another big boost, after pictures that purport to show the controller for the NX have leaked.

The photos, which were posted on Reddit, show a slick, oval-shaped controller with nubs on either end.

The pictures come courtesy of Reddit user perkele37, who posted the pictures in a thread, along with the following details:

This is the second series of leaked images supposedly of the controller to appear on Reddit this week. And there’s reason to be skeptical about whether these are the real deal. In both cases the pics were posted by unknown Reddit users who had only one thread to their name. And while similar images from different sources often lend credibility to the legitimacy of the pictures, all of the photos in this case show the controller turned off. There’s no proof that there’s anything inside the casing, although a wire is plugged into the bottom.


Both sets of pictures are consistent with an image found in a patent that Nintendo was granted last year, which could either strengthen or lessen the validity of these pictures depending on your point of view. Even if they’re fake, there’s enough interest in the NX for two different people to fake images of it. Coupled with the easily accepted news that the Wii U was on its last legs, Nintendo has a clear signal that their fans are eagerly awaiting something new.

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