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Matching geeky, otaku outfits are the latest in Japanese street fashion【Pics】

Jun 4, 2016


Not only is otaku fashion taking over Japanese streets, it’s quickly becoming the go-to dress code for popular places like Disneyland and Universal Studios.

Love itasha, idols, and maid cafes? These are just a few of the things Akihabara otaku have contributed to Japanese pop culture after geek culture trends started becoming mainstream over a decade ago.

But despite all the cool stuff otaku have given us over the years, the plaid shirts, glasses, jeans, and headbands that became the stereotypical “nerd” outfit were never seen as fashionable — at least until now.

As part of the newest spin on the “twinning”, or matching, outfit boom that took over some of Japan’s most prominent fashion subcultures, otaku fashion has now become all the rage, with many guys and gals dressing up as geeks to visit concerts and amusement parks like Disneyland, Universal Studios Japan, and Fuji-Q Highland.

▼ Dorking it out for Harry Potter

▼ Otaku rave in front of Cinderella’s castle? Sure, why not!

▼ Even girls in Nagoya are getting down with it as they dress in otaku outfits for The Little World Museum of Man.

▼ “Otaku” was the theme of this senior send-off trip to Fuji-Q Highland

▼ Complete with dorky closed-eye pics!

▼ With his signature plaid shirt and blue jeans, Woody could almost double as their mascot!

▼ Just in case you had any doubts as to whether this was a “thing” or not…

These are just some of the many snapshots that show up on Instagram and other social media networks tagged #otakucoord, with “coord” being the Japanese shorthand for “coordinate”, or “outfit”.

While it looks like everyone’s just having some innocent fun, the new fashion statement does beg the question of whether Japanese culture is somehow appropriating itself, or if these guys and gals are just letting their true otaku colors show.

Would you go out dressed like this? Come Halloween time, it’d definitely make for an easy, throw-together costume!

Source: Instagram/@rnnn00, Instagram/@miyo_gan428, Instagram/niwa_aya823, Instagram/@ _____ma_i, Instagram/@kimika_215, Instagram/@seimei_maaaa, Instagram/@chii_n84, Wotopi
Featured image: Instagram/@miya_gan428

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