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Japanese girlfriend’s culinary revenge video shows hell hath no fury like a chef scorned【Video】

Jul 22, 2016

If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, that’s also the best route by which to stab at it.

In Japan, making a home-cooked dinner for someone, which you plan to eat together, often involves a lot of waiting around. With sudden overtime a common part of the working world here, it’s often impossible to pin down when someone will be getting home from the office, and so the cook often ends up not only doing all the prep-work, but sitting in a lonely apartment wondering how much longer it’ll be until their in-home dinner date arrives.

Still, Japanese Twitter user @Ga0go’s platonic female friend was willing to go to that trouble for her live-in boyfriend, and she even bothered to prepare multiple dishes. But then came a sudden phone call from her sweetheart, who said he’d been invited to go drinking after work by a friend. Since going out to drink in Japan usually takes the form of going to an izakaya, a type of restaurant that usually has a full food menu to go with its extensive drink list, this meant the girlfriend now had a lot of extra food on her hands. The most sensible approach would be to eat what she wanted, then put the leftovers in the refrigerator.

However, she was not feeling calm, as shown in the video she sent to @Ga0go, which he subsequently shared.

First, she tosses a pan of what look to be meat-wrapped sausages (do such wonderful things exist?) into the sink, and starts filling it with water in preparation of washing everything down the drain. A heaping plate of Okinawan-style goya chamburu stir-fry meets a similar fate. This is followed by a few seconds of peace, but not because the girlfriend has let go of her anger. No, she’s just been busy grabbing a pot of miso soup, which she also unceremoniously dumps.

The video is a clear demonstration of the girlfriend’s frustration and disappointment, though it’s not clear whether or not the boyfriend knew his girlfriend was planning to make dinner for him. Either way, many Japanese people have a strong aversion to wasting food, with the difficulties of post-World War II food shortages a common topic in historical retrospectives and conversations with older generations. As such, many online commenters called the girlfriend’s course of action deplorably wasteful, with more than a few chiming in that they’d have been happy to eat her cooking in the boyfriend’s stead.

Sadly, though, the sink is the only one who got to enjoy this particular dinner.

Source: Jin, Twitter/@Ga0go

Follow Casey on Twitter, and he promises to come right home if/when you cook dinner for him.

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