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Japanese ghosts are real! Terrifying face appears in curtains, shocks Japanese Twitter【Pics】

Jul 31, 2016

scary cutrain (2)

Do you feel like you’re being watched?

We’ve seen some scary things here before at RocketNews24 – chopped up Pikachus and creepy Pokémon GO artwork immediately come to mind – but nothing has quite sent shivers up our spines like this.

Japanese Twitter user @kaichikun recently posted a picture that they took of a face in their window curtains, and it’s hard not to feel like you’re watching a Japanese horror movie when you see it:

▼ “I was relaxing in my room when I felt like I was being watched. When I looked at the curtains I froze with terror for a second, but it was just a wrinkle. That was too realistic.”

▼ It’s so nice outside I think I’ll just open the curtains and let some-

▼ “Hello, friend. Come join me… in the curtains….”

▼ “…forever.”

Okay, sure, the face is just some shadows and a wrinkle… but that’s one hell of an intricate wrinkle! What are the odds of everything working out perfectly to form that face? Is it really more plausible than a ghost just pressing its face against the curtains? We’re not entirely convinced.

Here’s what Japanese netizens had to say:

“At least it was spotted during the day. That’s when they’re weak!”
“It took a miracle to form that face.”
“Oh my god it’s just like the kid from The Grudge.
“I’m sorry to inform you that you live in a haunted house.”

One user even pointed out that there’s another face hidden in the curtains:

▼ You have to squint a bit to see it, but when you do,
it’s even more menacing then the original one.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough spooky stuff for one day. Let’s go take a look at some cute goat, hedgehog, and owl cafes. Ahh, much better!

Source/images: Twitter/@kaichikun

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