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Japan’s Pigeon Calculator now available in English!

Dec 20, 2022

As much English as you need for a calculator at least.

Last year Pigeon Calculator (Hato Dentaku) was released and changed the way people in Japan do arithmetic. We often talk about “disruptive” technology but there is perhaps nothing more disruptive than having a pigeon coo every time you press a number or operation key.

That has been the secret to Pigeon Calculator’s success; tapping into our innate love of pigeons as well as noisy crows and eagles. That’s right, thanks to the highly adaptive UI of this app, users can select one of three bird sounds, which as we all know, accounts for all known species of bird on the planet!

But Pigeon Calculator didn’t stop there. In addition to pigeon, crow, and eagle, there is also a “sexy pigeon” option which coos much more sexually than your average pigeon. As a result, Pigeon Calculator has been downloaded countless times on both iOS and Android, though that’s mainly because my calculator keeps squawking at me whenever I try to count the downloads.

But bird-lovers are hardly limited to Japan, so Pigeon Calculator is ready to take on the world with a new English setting! Now, if your phone or tablet is set to English, Pigeon Calculator has been painstakingly translated to also display instructions like “Select Bird” and “Sound” in English.

I don’t want to bore you all with my explanations though, so here is Pigeon Calculator DJ to tell you more. I implore you all to watch this highly informative video because it could change your life.

Clearly Pigeon Calculator DJ was so excited about this amazing product that he forgot to tell you all the very best part about its amazing UX. In Japanese the numbers 8 and 10 can be read as “hato” which is the word for pigeon, so any time you perform a calculation where the result is 810 it will unlock a special video.

If this all seems vaguely familiar, that’s because Pigeon Calculator has been crafted by the same developers who brought us Hatoverse, the world’s first metaverse in which everyone is an aimless, voiceless, and nondescript pigeon. They also created Hato Jump, which they are calling the hardest game in the world.

▼ This video should tell you everything you need to know about it

So, make sure you aren’t the last person in your social circle to have a cooing or cawing smart device and get on the next wave of DX today. I know I said the same thing about Crabhouse last year, but this time I have a really, really good feeling that pigeons are going to be the next big thing in tech.

Related: Pigeon Calculator on App Store, Google Play
Source: PR Times
Top image: YouTube/ハトバース公式ハトジャンプ公式YOUTUBEチャンネル
Insert images: PR Times
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