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Tied to a desk but wish you were outdoors? Grab yourself a lawn-feel keyboard!

Aug 1, 2013

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I’m sure most of us would rather be out in the fields with the sun on our face and the wind in our hair each day than shackled to a desk like a clone bred to serve the gods of the Cloud with their important databases and spreadsheets, but needs must and without hours of computer work our world would be on its knees in days. Thankfully, online “keyboard workshop” FILCO is bringing the outdoors to us with its new “Midori” lawn-type keyboard, which features a soft, turfy finish that will tickle your palms and wrists throughout the day, reminding you that life isn’t all pie charts and quarterly reviews.

Using ‘static electricity hair transplant technology’, this faux grass stands constantly two millimetres tall across the entire top surface of the keyboard, creating a soft, pleasant sensation when touched. According to Japanese news site Narinari, the texture of the grass is unbelievably close to the real thing, and can help the user relax while working despite the somewhat worrying mention that the grass causes ‘barely any interference’ with any of the keys.

We’d rather it caused zero interference if we’re being completely honest, but we have to admit that pile does look awfully lush…

▼ All the usual caps/number lock LEDs are present and correct.

The grassy keyboards are available from online store Diatec (Japanese only, sorry), along with a number of other sleek models from FILCO, including a glossy “Classic Wood” and “Carbon White”. Sure, they’re just silly executive toys, but we defy anyone who passes by a desk with one of these things on it and doesn’t give it a quick stroke.

Now all we need is a pair of model cows to sit in the top-right corner.

Source: Narinari (Japanese)
Images via Diatec 

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