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Keep warm and confuse your cat this winter with this wearable feline blanket

Oct 16, 2013


We’re so jealous of cats. They get virtually all of the attention on the Internet, they’re allowed to lounge around convenience stores day and night like they own the place, drinking cat wine, and generally being doted on.

Finally, though, Japan’s obsession with cats and cat paraphernalia is making it possible for us to become the cat. Behold, the hooded cat blanket from online retailer Felissimo.

Technically known as the Attaka-Ouchi Neko (“warm house cat”) this hooded, wearable blanket is strapped on by hooking your arms under the elastic bands and closing the soft throat cover. If you’re feeling especially feline, you can also put up the blanket’s hood, which features cat ear protrusions and is sure to get you tons of confused reactions from your cats at home – which you can then share online for instant Internet fame. Pulling a face like the model below, however, is entirely optional.

The cat blanket is intended to be worn when you’re huddled around the kotatsu – a small table with a heating unit underneath and a fabric skirt – for full body warmth during the winter.

There’s even a somewhat pointless tiny version that just sort of covers your upper back area and makes your cats think you slaughtered one of their family members and they could be next. So, yeah. Stick with the large version unless you’re especially small.

The long version of the cat blanket, which you can order here, will set you back 3,600 yen (US$36), while the small, kind of pointless version goes for just 200 yen less at 3,400 yen.

These definitely look like a great addition to your winter lounge-wear, but we can’t help but wish there was a fox version, so we could communicate with the majestic creatures and finally figure out what on Earth it is they’re trying to tell us:

Source: ITMedia
Photos: Felissimo

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