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Japan’s pets approve of Muji bean bags, put on a masterful display of laziness 【Photos】

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Last week, we brought you Japanese retail company Muji’s guide to getting nothing done thanks to the comfort and unparalleled lethargy inducing qualities of the mighty bean bag chair. Well, it seems that some of our canine and feline friends have been paying close attention, and no sooner had their owners picked one up, immediately began showing us all how to use Muji’s popular bean bag chairs properly.

Judging by these photos, these little guys are clearly the true relaxation ninjas of the land.

If you’re reading this on the way to work or having just logged in and are still putting off your emails (and kudos to you – that’s the kind of attitude we like to see on a Monday!), then take a look at this small collection of photos from Japan’s Twitter users, which clearly shows how much easier we could have it if we were back home right now.

▼ “I claim this bean bag in the name of laziness!”

▼ “Well done, human. This latest purchase of yours pleases me.”

▼ This little guy’s madferret. OK, so it’s technically a weasel, but you get the point.

▼ “Mmmn? Mmmzzzzzz”

▼ “Yeah, you head to work. I’m stay here and, you know, yawn and stuff.”

▼ “I am one with the bag.”

▼ “Have a great day at work. My friends and I will be here when you get back.”

Bravo, pets, bravo. We may call ourselves your masters, but when we’re getting up and going to work every Monday while you’re at home making excellent use of the bean bag, it’s clear which of us has their priorities right.

Source: Netorabo, Imatopi Goo
Top image via Twitter

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