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31 German food photos that show the depressing gap between adverts and reality

May 18, 2014


We’ve all been there. You excitedly tear off the wrapper on the new snack you’ve been waiting to try, only to find that it’s half the size of the picture on the box, or doesn’t contain the mint leaf daintily arranged on the image on the packaging. That’s why packaging runs the line “serving suggestion”, anyway – to let the manufacturer show the food at its best without being accused of, erm, lying.

A project from the delightfully named German website PUNDO3000, werbung gegen realität (“Adverts versus reality”) attempts to stab back at food manufacturers with painfully real photos of food items. We’re always on the look out for the gap between jazzed-up photos and the real deal, so join us after the jump for 31 of the best!

On their website, the group’s other wonderfully quirky projects include replacement Christmas tree needles! These are some clever people we’re dealing with here.

▼ First up, it’s a pizza snack! If you will buy something called a “pizza snack”, though, you probably deserve this.

▼ This next one belongs on cakewrecks, really.



 ▼ Noticeably devoid of hacksteak.



 ▼ 45 percent vegetables! … Apparently.



 ▼ Red onion soup! Not so red in real life, though.


▼ A choc chip bun with barely any chips…

▼…and a “cream filling” cake that’s painfully low on cream filling.




 ▼ To be fair, if you’re going to eat pasta from a can, you should probably keep your expectations low anyway.




▼  I think they got the font size the wrong way round on the words “milk” and “rice”.

▼ Sweet and sour…something.

 ▼ That is some fancy packaging for some sad-looking mortadella.


 ▼ Eintopf is a type of German stew! Just add, er, ingredients.





 ▼ At least the rightward-sloping bun is the same as the adverts.


The project’s website states that all the products were eaten after the photos were taken. While I applaud their efforts to avoid waste, I doubt that chowing down on all 100 disappointing-looking food items made for a very fun after-party.

Source: PUNDO3000 via CuRAZY

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