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Eyelashes run amok as folks in Japan have too much fun with their falsies【Photos】

Jan 21, 2015

false eyelashes on plushies, figures, funny photos

Whether you love ‘em or hate ’em, false eyelashes have become a mainstay of the Japanese makeup arsenal and are readily available in a fluttery profusion of designs at every drugstore and hundred-yen shop. One survey from 2012 revealed that 58 percent of teenage girls and 74 percent of women in their twenties have used them, some relying on their magic daily rather than reserving them for special occasions.

They became the sole subject of a chart-topping single by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, have been turned into alluring decorations that anthropomorphize your car, and even became a way to have harmless fun with your pet! But what do you do when you have so many falsies that you run out of storage space or are just too darn lazy to put them away properly? Attach them to cute plushies and manly figurines, of course! So even if your Sasuke isn’t asking to channel Elvis and his fringes, this chuckle-inducing photo collection may give you some ideas for the next time you party too hard and can’t be bothered with those pesky plastic cases.

Before eye makeup authority KOJI started selling Japan’s first falsies back in 1947, geishas would knit them by hand from their own hair; I bet they never imagined that a time would come when girls and boys alike would have more fake lashes than they know what to do with and be creeping out their family members!

@k5n2s4: “Ugh this storage method, they’re practically insects.”

@BeN_The_BLok: “Finally trying to organize my pile of lashes, it’s like playing a really tough game of Memory…” Well, that’s one way to spend a dateless evening!

@miyabi5589: “It’s a drag putting them away every time so I do this, but my parents always yell at me to cut it out!”

▼ Left: @urakuso says of his Sasuke from Naruto, “His arms were the perfect length for storing lashes!” Right: @73aaT compares another figure with a radiant Mary.

Images: Twitter @urakuso, Twitter @73aaT

@tenjin_tatata tries it out too and exclaims, “It’s true! He’s the perfect eyelash holder.”

Image: Twiter @tenjin_tatata

@bitou1129 dresses up Dio from JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure and notes with surprise, “not out of character at all.” Kind of reminds you of that awesome feathered cloak, no?

Image: Twitter @bitou1129

@mqruxxmqru can’t help but laugh at her friend’s unique storage method (great for deterring piggy bank looters?)

▼ Blogger Pink confirms our suspicion that nothing with curves is safe. Doesn’t it look as if Oscar the Grouch’s relative had the lid slam down on his hands?

Image: Pinku no Otsukisama

▼ For Yūka, “They came off during dance lessons and I didn’t know where to put ’em =P.” You wear them during dance lessons?

Image: Cheerful Days

▼ Theater troupe member @chiune keeps them here while in her dressing room—seems like the Annoying Orange went all shōjo after marathoning Sailor Moon Crystal.

▼ Did @eight_baseF give the Chocoball mascot “Peanut Kyoro-chan,” a beauty mark as well?

@yagizoo: “My younger sister washed them and left them by the sink, so my mom put them on this chick, lol.” Perfect if your plushie friends ever need some Clockwork Orange flair.

▼Korilakkuma looking quite coquettish. A fellow Twitterer comments bluntly, “A perfect spot, see? This is what happens when the foundation is already good.” Burn!

Last but not least, let’s not forget the boys! Thanks to @oliwab, the Great King Oikawa from Haikyuu!! is looking a bit more queen.

▼ “All of a sudden, I feel… glamorous?”

Well, after all this silliness how could I not be inspired? A quick look around the room turned up some potential candidates for storage.

▼ “No fair, you guys! Where’re my lumpin’ lashes?”
“Sorry LSP, get your own peduncles.”

Image: RocketNews24

And that’s a wrap for now, folks! If you have your own strangely perfect perches for your falsies, then snap a photo and share with your friends for a good laugh!

Sources: Matome Naver, Mind Sonar, KOJI
Feature Images: TwitPic 1, TwitPic 2, Twitter 1, Twitter 2

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