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Adorable Japanese kids’ homemade Splatoon costumes are ink-redible【Pics】

Nov 5, 2015

splatoon costume top

Halloween may be over, but that hasn’t put a stop to the internet being flooded with pictures of all the amazing and not-really-amazing-but-still-popular costumes that people wore.

One costume that was especially popular this year was the Inklings from the Wii U game Splatoon, but the ones who pulled it off the best have to be this pair of Japanese kids. Not only are their costumes homemade, but they look absolutely adorable while running around covering everything in pretend ink.

Here’s tweet the parents made of their three and five-year-old daughters dressed up as Splatoon characters for Halloween: (Click pictures to enlarge.)

▼ “My daughters cosplayed as Splatoon characaters for Halloween. Very satisfied with how the homemade costumes turned out. I gave it my all!”

And here are some action shots of the costumes in action: (Click pictures to enlarge.)

▼ “The kids’ Splatoon cosplay: roller vs. sniper.”

And one with some edited ink to show what’s going on inside the kids’ heads:

Those costumes really are well-made; everything from the hats to the weapons to the shoes look exactly like they came out of the game. And that roller… you can’t honestly say you don’t want one of your own. Those are two very lucky kids for sure!

Here’s what Japanese netizens had to say about the cute squid duo:

“Gah! I can’t handle the cute!”
“That quality… I can’t believe it.”
“They’re more squid than kid at this point.”
“Those two look like they’d still trick me even if I gave them a treat.”

There you have it, folks. If you woke up the day after Halloween to a bunch of neon-colored ink all over your front door, now you may have an idea where it came from.

Source: Twitter/@arekore10 via Hamusoku
Featured/top image: Twitter/@arekore10

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