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Mystery of Attack on Titan’s Levi’s lipstick-stained romantic dalliance at Japanese theme park

Aug 18, 2017

Wall mural of brave squad leader, and ladies’ favourite, Captain Levi proved irresistible for one lipstick-wearing fan.

Attack on Titan fans, of which there are more than a few both here in Japan and abroad, have plenty of options when it comes to having their photos taken with the characters or the eponymous monsters of the hit anime. For example, in Osaka’s Universal Studio Japan fans can pose with/in gigantic Titan statues.

Fuji-Q Highland theme park, near Tokyo, is also in on the act with a number of ideal photo spots scattered around the park, including a large wall mural where the Survey Corps’ Special Operation Squad leader Levi was recently caught red-lipped.

▼ Levi, as he appears in the anime

▼ Some of the Fuji Q Highland Attack on Titan attractions, including the crime scene (top right)

One eagle-eyed visitor, Twitter user @Muttsurishoukai, noticed something slightly unusual about the colouring of Captain Levi’s face. Looking a little closer revealed…

…the gruff but secretly caring fan favourite had been a-kissing, although we can’t be sure that it was consensual. Another fan confirmed that when they visited, the anime heartthrob was his usual dour self, unadorned by affectionate kiss marks.

So, who was the loved-up Levi-fan? We may never know. The secret admirer isn’t the only one going nuts, with Japanese Twitter filled with a number of surveys about his good looks, including this one where fans could vote for how attractive Levi is by retweeting.

▼ According to the tweet’s criteria, over 600 retweets counts of confirmation of “want to kidnap him”-level attractiveness, a qualification Levi has earned with 737 retweets at time of writing.

We’ve already covered the effect Captain Levi has on the opposite sex and his magazine cover status, and the captured lipstick-stained image seems to confirm this.  As one of the most dateable figures in anime, it’s little surprise that Levi was the recipient of a smacker. Then again, one does have to feel a little bit sorry for poor un-smooched Eren…

Source: Twitter/@sapphire_s_ , Twitter/@Muttsurishoukai via jin115
Featured image: Twitter/@Muttsurishoukai

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