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Quite possibly the otaku-ist dance that any otaku has ever danced【Video】

Hyper-energetic superfan leaps into dance troupe’s recreation of one of anime’s most popular opening themes.

As Japan’s Heisei era came to a close this week, Twitter users began sharing their memories of the 30-year period in Japan’s history with the hashtag “#posting the creation that represents who I am at the end of Heisei” (#平成最後に自分の代表作を貼る in Japanese text). Among those who joined in the nostalgia trip was Atsuki Suzumiya (@atsuki_suzumiya), who posted a video of himself from an anime music event.

It’s not clear exactly when the video was taken, but since there are five young women dancing to the opening theme of anime Lucky Star, which aired in 2007, odds are it’s from a couple years back. Just before the performance begins, the M.C. gets on the mike to say “Anyone out there who feels like dancing with them, go for it” and Suzumiya, who can be seen standing along the bottom of the frame in a bandanna and checked shirt, definitely feels like dancing.

Before the music even starts, he’s out on the dance floor, apparently interpreting the invitation to dance “with” the group as meaning that it’s OK to share the stage with him. Taking up a position in front of the women, Suzumiya proceeds to bust out some extremely energetic moves, as the crowd cheers wildly. It’s a much better achievement to be remembered for in the Heisei era than jumping off a bridge and smashing directly into a boat.

But while it might look like Suzumiya is here just to steal the spotlight and have it all to himself, it turns out that’s not the case. The dance routine the women are doing is the same one the animated Lucky Star cast performs in their anime’s opening, and so Suzumiya, who’s obviously a fan, knows exactly what they’ll be doing from start to finish. So rather than just do his own thing, he’s dancing in a way that allows him and the female dancers to play off one another, like when he spins and points at them in succession at the video’s 1:10 mark.

▼ The animated opening

Along with three million-plus views, Suzumiya’s Lucky Star dance video has earned him online reactions such as:

“At first I thought you just wanted all the attention for yourself, but you figured out a way to highlight the girls’ dancing too!”
“I want to believe that someday I can do something like this too.”
“The girl in the center looks so happy during the dance.”
“Is this guy the most energetic otaku?”
“I think he’s the most otaku energetic guy.”
“Heisei’s best otaku.”

▼ Another example of Suzumiya’s unique dance stylings, from his YouTube channel.

Unfortunately, Suzumiya hasn’t posted many new videos recently. He is, however, scheduled to hold a one-man anime song dance performance in Tokyo’s Odaiba neighborhood on June 23, at the Zepp Diver City event hall.

Maybe his dancing on that day will be so incredible it’ll become the best otaku dance of the Reiwa era.

Source: Twitter/@atsuki_suzumiya via Jin
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