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Japanese driver in traffic jam gets the worst possible vehicle stuck behind him【Video】

Mar 28, 2020

How long could you listen to the same lines in a song over and over again before you completely lose it?

If you’ve ever driven a car in any city, you know what it’s like to get stuck in a traffic jam. Traffic either slows to a constant, creeping crawl, or has moments where it moves just enough to give the illusion of progress, before forcing you to come to a complete stop again. It always happens when you’re in a hurry or running late, and it always leaves you irritated and dying of boredom.

Now, imagine being bored, annoyed, and sick of sitting in your car, when the worst possible vehicle pulls up behind you: an advertisement truck blaring a high-energy EDM song with only about three lines that it repeats over and over again.

▼ Make sure you play this video with the sound on, for the full effect.

Twitter user UG (@soccerugfilez) found themselves in that exact situation, and had to share it on Twitter. They took a video of the Vanilla Car trailing behind them blaring the “Koushunyu Kyujin Joho Vanilla” electronic dance song, which advertises Vanilla, a company that offers recruitment opportunities for high income jobs in Japan’s fuzoku (adult entertainment) industry.

Now normally you might only hear this truck as it passes by, so, obnoxious though it might be, the pounding beat and repetitive, blaring lyrics are usually bearable. But being followed for miles by it? Just listening to a less-than 30-second video was more than enough for me. I can’t imagine how the poor driver managed to bear it, but I’m not surprised that, at the end of the video, they let out a pitiful, “Kowai yo~“, which means, “I’m scared…”

Us, too, buddy, us too.

▼ Here’s the full version if you’re interested in really torturing yourself and anyone around you.

Other Twitter users, aside from criticizing UG for driving and filming at the same time, sympathized with the driver’s plight:

“The song is unnecessarily short so it’s a struggle, isn’t it?”
“I burst out laughing when he said ‘I’m scared’! lol”
“Once I had a horrible time when the Vanilla Car appeared during an important school exam…”
“I hate this ad. It’s just so loud…”
“It’ll drive you crazy!”
“My kids like to sing ‘Vanilla Vanilla’ over and over again…”

You might be wondering why such an annoyingly loud advertisement is permitted to drive around all day in quiet and peaceful Japan…well, you wouldn’t be the only one. Advertisement trucks, like political campaign cars, are one of the great mysteries of Japanese culture that have yet to be solved. You just better hope that if you drive in Tokyo or another big city in Japan that you won’t get stuck near one, or you’ll probably be hearing “Vaaanilla, Vanilla” in your nightmares for many years to come.

Source: Twitter/@soccerugfilez via Hachima Kiko
Top image: Twitter/@soccerugfilez

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