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Got a great recipe that requires soy sauce? Enter this competition to win 100,000 yen!

May 11, 2015


If you fancy yourself as a bit of a soy sauce connoisseur or if you enjoy dabbling in Japanese fusion cooking, we’ve found a perfect way for you to earn some easy prize money.

The Japan Soy Sauce Association is currently accepting entries for two special contest categories: Washoku, for Japanese-style recipes and Your Country’s Cuisine, for food that incorporates the use of soy sauce into traditional dishes from your homeland.

With the top prize being 100,000 yen (US$834.87), if you’re a foreigner living in Japan, now’s the time to get that apron on and get cooking!

To be eligible for the competition, you must be a foreign citizen living in Japan. Naturalised Japanese citizens are also able to apply. You must be available to attend the final review in August, the award ceremony on 1 October, and be able to communicate in Japanese or English and cook unassisted. Sound like you or someone you know? Good! Read on!

Once you’ve chosen the category you wish to enter, fill out an application form with the name of your dish and the steps required for your never-before-published recipe, which should serve four people. You’ll need to include a photo of your completed dish and a short story related to it on a postcard-size piece of paper. You can draw or write the details of your story, including the relevant memories or background connected to the recipe.

Prizes are:

  • Gold (One Per Category): Plaque and ¥100,000 ($834.87)
  • Silver (One Per Category): Plaque and ¥50,000 ($417.43)
  • Bronze (Three Per Category): Plaque and ¥30,000 ($250.46)

Winners will be announced at the Soy Sauce Day Gathering on 1 October 2015  and a pamphlet featuring the winning recipes will be published after the competition.

For more details, head to Soysauce Information CenterEntries must be postmarked by 31 May. Good luck!

Source and Images: Soysauce Information Center

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