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Mr. Sato rocks a 40-year-old vintage Japanese outfit with a heart-melting backstory【Photos】

Nov 27, 2019

There’s a feel-good reason for our crack reporter looking this good.

It’s been said that age aint nothing but a number, and that’s a philosophy SoraNews24’s ace reporter Mr. Sato takes to heart. Sure, some people might say that he’s past the age where he should be trying to destroy eyeglasses with his butt or sticking raw eggs in his armpits, but he doesn’t have time to worry about such closed-minded notions because he’s too busy building cardboard forts in the middle of the office.

But even if Mr. Sato isn’t interested in becoming a “proper” adult, he’d sometimes like to impersonate one, at least in his outward appearance. Luckily for him, while he was cleaning out his closet the other day he came across a set of sophisticated vintage clothes that seemed appropriate for a sophisticated gentleman.

First, he found a dark brown jacket from Japanese suit maker F-One. Slipping it on for a quick size check, he found it a little short in the sleeves, but a perfect fit for his shoulders.

Next was a checked vest from Troy Bros…

…and finally, he discovered a few ties, including this one from Cricket, an English brand founded in 1960.

▼ This particular tie is made of 100-percent Japanese wool.

But Mr. Sato was a little apprehensive. Sure, these may all have been stylish garments at the time they were made, but for each item that was more than 40 years ago. How would they look on a 21st-century man like him?

Oh, fantastic.

Now, while Mr. Sato has been consistently proving that betting against him looking good is never a smart course of action, he can’t take all the credit this time. You may have noticed we didn’t mention how much any of the items cost, and that’s because Mr. Sato has no idea. He didn’t even pick the jacket, vest, and tie out himself, as the set was given to him by the man seen in this photo…

…the original Mr. Sato, Mr. Sato’s dad!

▼ So yes, that adorable, not-yet-one-year-old baby is Mr. Sato (or maybe his identical twin brother).

▼ And yes, these two men are the same person.

When Mr. Sato was first moving out of his parents’ house in Shimane Prefecture, in order to chase his destiny in the big city of Tokyo, his dad gave him some of his old clothes, so that, if nothing else, his son wouldn’t be naked in the nation’s capital (at least until he actively chose to, anyway). After arriving in Tokyo, he wore them a few times, then stuck them in a box in the closet once he got a steady job and could afford to start buying his own clothes.

But even though Mr. Sato’s dad is a humble, hard-working house painter, not a wardrobe consultant, he was somehow able to predict what would look good on our reporter decades in the future.

“Next time I go home to visit, I’ll have to say thanks to Dad again,” thought Mr. Sato as he admired his reflection in the mirror, because the guy really does love his kids, even if it’s sometimes incredibly hard to tell.

Photos ©SoraNews24
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