Costumes of three iconic Ghibli anime protagonists have been shrunk down to sachet size.
Last month, we took a look at the new Ghibli Heroine’s Dress loungewear line, inspired by the attire of the protagonists of some of Studio Ghibli’s biggest anime hits. Today, we’re shifting our focus to some miniature-size Ghibli heroine costumes that aren’t designed to be worn, but instead to make your home look, and smell, very, very nice.
At first glance, you might think these are baby clothes, but they’re actually sachet pouches. Part of the Donguri Closet housewares collection of Studio Ghibli specialty shop Donguri Kyowakoku, the trio of tiny outfits are called the My Precious Closet Dress Sachets, and each one comes with a scented packet to place inside the dress, plus a little hanger so you can situate the aroma wherever you’d like.
The first is modeled on the outfit worn by Laputa: Castle in the Sky’s Sheeta after she makes her series of early-scene escapes and ends up on the air pirates’ Tiger Moth mother ship. Embroidered on the front is a depiction of Sheeta’s magical levistone pendant, and on the back of the left leg is a patch of the character drawn in profile.
The designers even put thought into the color of the included potpourri mix, choosing blue hues to remind you of the levistone and its visible energies.
Next we have little witch Kiki’s dress, which she wears while flying parcels to-and-fro in Kiki’s Delivery Service.
While you might not notice at first, because of the subtle contrast between the navy blue and black fabrics, Kiki’s faithful feline companion Jiji makes a special guest appearance on this dress sachet.
▼ Like with Sheeta, Kiki shows up, in a pensive-looking patch on the back.
And rounding out the trio is the costume of The Secret World of Arrietty’s Arrietty.
Here the embroidered narrative nod is Arrietty’s needle, which is a large-size, high-utility tool for someone of her small stature.
▼ The orange potpourri in Arrietty’s pouch are meant to remind you of her hair color, and once again, there’s a patch with the character on the back.
Measuring 14 centimeters (5.5 inches) in length, the Ghibli dress sachets can be easily hung on in a closet or placed into a drawer you want to have smelling especially good. At the same time, their design is cute enough that they make charming interior decorations too, so keeping them out in the open so that guests to your home can enjoy their aesthetics and olfactory effects is an option too.
Unfortunately, Donguri Kyowakoku doesn’t go into details about the aroma profiles of the three potpourri packets. This isn’t a major issue, though, since the dresses are thoughtfully sewn so that you can insert and remove packets whenever you want without having to undo any stitches or seams. So if the included scent isn’t exact to your preferences, you can put in a different one that is. For that matter, you could, in theory, forgo the potpourri entirely, and use the dresses to store whatever else you’d like instead.
The dress sachets are priced at 3,300 yen (US$23) and will be available through Donguri Kyowakoku’s online shop (Sheeta here, Kiki here, and Arrietty here) starting at 10 a.m. on August 26. And if you need something to hang up next to them, Ghibli’s first-ever T-shirt collaboration with Uniqlo is going on now.
Source: Donguri Kyowakoku
Top image: Donguri Kyowakoku
Insert images: Donguri Kyowakoku (1, 2, 3)
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