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Can Daiso’s mini washing machine wash your jocks and socks?

Oct 24, 2022

Testing out Japan’s famous 100-yen store item with something other than makeup sponges.  

100 yen shop Daiso is known for its plethora of bargain products that make everyday life joyous and easy. The mini washing machine is one of those products, and though it’s priced a little higher than most of the items in store, at 330 yen (US$2.20) including tax, it’s become such a runaway hit that its demand has spread well beyond these shores.

Most people who’ve fallen in love with this tiny contraption are using it to wash their makeup sponges, but here at SoraNews24, we’ve been wondering whether it’ll work on other small items too.

▼ So our resident Daiso expert, Go Hatori, decided to put it to the test.

The first thing he noticed about the machine is that it’s entirely portable, running on two AA-sized batteries, which means you don’t even have to plug it into a wall.

It’s extremely simple to use — just pour some water into the tub, press the button…

▼ …and watch it spin, like a regular washing machine!

Go was already impressed, but he was going to see how far he could push the limits with the machine, by filling it with…

▼ …his jocks (don’t worry, it’s a clean pair fresh from a real washing machine!)

Hmm. The spinning action didn’t seem to have any effect on the bundle of cloth, which sat motionless in the tub. The jocks were obviously too big for the little machine, and it now appeared to be shaking and crying.

Searching for something smaller, Go decided to shove a small dishcloth into the machine.

▼ The results were just as sad.

The dishcloth and jocks were obviously too big, but Go began to think it might work with a G-string or a pair of lace boxer briefs for men. With neither of those on hand, Go looked for the smallest thing in his laundry, and found…

▼ …a footlet sock.

Unlike the previous items, this was a good fit for the little machine, and it spun around happily, doing its job with ease.

Two socks would’ve been a bit of a stretch for the mini machine, but it doesn’t take long to do a mini load, so if you’re in a pinch while travelling and desperately need your socks washed, you could use this product to wash them one at a time. Or, given how cheap they are, you could buy two to get the pair done at once, and live out your fantasies of running a mini laundromat.

Photos ©SoraNews24
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