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Of course, not all anime are created equal, but there are some common themes and scenes that run throughout. From nosebleeds at the sight of an attractive young lady to “magical openings,” the following video, titled “10 Steps To Become Real Life Anime!” has been generally celebrated by the anime-loving community for its truthful and humorous depiction of anime. Watch the video yourself and see if you agree!

Kelsey, aka Kimono Time, a professional performer and anime enthusiast in the UK, has teamed up with Dave from music vlog, Boy in a Band, to bring us “10 Steps To Become Real Life Anime!” Let’s have a look:

Loved it? Hated it? Take a look at each of the steps for some bonus pleasure/pain.

Step 1: Express your emotions.

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Step 2: Ehhh?…

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Step 3: Start every day with a magical opening.

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Step 4: Find a sempai and get them to notice you.

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Step 5: Cherry Blossoms.

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Step 6: Be deep and emotional.

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Step 7: Always be late.

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Step 8: Never talk in sync.

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Step 9: Nosebleed.

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Step 10: Create an alter ego and be ready to transform at any time.

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So what do you think? Is this an accurate depiction of a stereotypical anime? Anyone enjoy the “running late to school with a slice of toast hanging out of your mouth” bit? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. Also, check out more from Kelsey here and more from Dave here.

Source: YouTube (Kelsey▶▮▮)