There was an overflow of talent, skilled dancers, and amazing performances at the World of Dance competition held in Los Angeles last month, but this boy’s dance group from Japan made a particularly strong impression on the audience. Not only were their moves awe-inspiring and beautifully synchronized, but the fact that everyone in the group was of high school age or younger made their dance all the more incredible.

Watch the full video below and be blown away by the high-flying flips, spins, and awesome soundtrack!

The World of Dance competition was held on August 16 in Los Angeles, and the youth break dancing group Kyushudanji Shinsengumi (九州男児新鮮組) from Japan really stole the show with their number, taking first place in the youth category and inspiring waves of awe throughout the Japanese community on Twitter.

The 10 members of the group range from elementary to high school age, which is hard to believe as you watch them pull off some pretty difficult and strenuous moves.



There is no denying the talent needed for such a performance, but even with a natural affinity for dance, the hours of practice that undoubtedly went into this is enough to be impressed by too. Well done, boys! You’ll definitely be going places with those moves!

Source and images: YouTube/World of Dance via grape 

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