Here’s your chance to join the SoraNews24 team.

August is one of the most exciting times in Japan, when the Obon vacation season gives people a chance to travel around the country and visit its biggest sightseeing attractions, and also when neighborhood festivals and fireworks shows remind us of the simple joys of local life. Plus, this summer there’s one more thing to be excited about, as SoraNews24 is looking to add a new member to our writing team!

This is a fully remote, part-time position, open to applicants living both inside and outside Japan, with a flexible schedule. SoraNews24 is currently looking for someone who:

● Is enthusiastic about following and sharing Japanese and Asian trends, news, and culture
● Has an energetic, engaging writing style
● Speaks and reads Japanese at an advanced level (equivalent to JLPT N2 or better)
● Has lived or traveled extensively in Japan

To apply, send us:
1. Your resume, written in English
2. Your resume, written in Japanese
3. An English version of the Japanese-language article linked to below, incorporating the original content as well as making any necessary additions or revisions to present the topic in a manner that would be informative and entertaining for our English readers.
【上野駅徒歩5分】カプセルホテル「THE NELL(ザ・ネル)」に泊まってみたら自宅みたいな居心地で超快適だった
4. An original English-language article of your own, approximately 400-600 words in length, that you think would be of interest to our readers. The article can be based on an existing news story or your own experiences and observations.

Once you’ve got all those ready, send us your documents at:
with 「英語版ライター募集/Your Name」 as the subject line. Further details, including compensation, will be discussed with qualified applicants.

We’re looking forward to meeting you soon!

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