Since the invention of chain-driven transmission in the 1890s, the bicycle really hasn’t undergone any major structural changes.

And what could you possibly want to change? You’ve got two wheels for movement, handlebars for direction, a seat to hold your body weight and pedals to…

“Wait, pedals?”, thought the Germans. We don’t need no stinkin’ pedals.

The bike you see in the video above was designed by two Germans, Tom Hambrok and Juri Spetter, and is called “Fliz,” which is derived from the German word “flitzen,” meaning to speed or whiz by.

The bicycle is designed so that the rider is suspended from the frame and always bent forward, with hands resting on the handlebars and head sticking through a gap in the frame above.

Hey, doesn’t it kinda look like the bicycle guy on the Tour de France logo?

The developers explain the concept behind the Fliz on their blog:

The prior aim of developing FLIZ was to bring a completely new driving experience to everyone. Based on the very first bike – the “Laufrad“ – we created a velocipede concept of healthy, ecological mobility in overcrowded urban space. Its laminated, innovative frame with 5 point belt system provides a comfortable, ergonomic ride between running and biking. The frame integrates the rider and due to its construction it works both like a suspension and like a top carrier whereas the belt replaces the saddle and adjusts your position.

While the Fliz is unlikely to topple the prevailing bicycle archetype (nor is it trying to), it does look fun to ride around through the streets for a day.

Source: Fliz, News Time School

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