
How much do you love bread? Would you cuddle with it? Wear it on your back? Use it to carry your books home from school?

Well now thanks to Village Vanguard, the popular Japanese supplier of crazy and unique items, you can do all of these things! They will be releasing a series of bread-themed items to help you get your balanced breakfast on your way to school or work.

Ready to be the toast of the town with an egg-cellent new backpack? Read on to find out how to get in on a slice of the action!

Village Vanguard is a major Japanese proprietor of fun novelty items with locations all over the country. The latest creation that they have cooked up for us is a fluffy line of bread-themed bags, cushions, and house slippers. Sounds tasty! Let’s take a look at the menu.

▼ Do you take your toast buttered or with a fried egg on top?


▼ Sorry, we can’t cut the crusts off. All the insides would spill out.


▼ Lightly-toasted straps are all the rage at school this year.


▼ The inside looks just as fluffy as the outside, but is pretty plain, even for white bread.


▼ I know what that face says: hooray for bread cushions!


▼ That melon bread cushion is enormous! You’re gonna share, right?


▼ And for the fashion-conscious, matching bread slippers to match your new bread backpack.

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▼ “I know what I’m going to put in my bread backpack: bread pouches!”
“But what are you going to put in the pouches?”
“More bread!”

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The backpacks, pouches, and cushions will be released in early November, and the slippers will follow later in the month. Prices range from 842 yen (US$6.98) to 3,240 yen ($26.89).

But be sure to get them quick; you’re going to want them when they’re still warm and fresh out of the oven.

Source/images: Village Vanguard
[ Read in Japanese ]

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