New titles released every day over 16-day period as much of Japan stays home to prevent spread of coronavirus.

To say the past 12 months have been a difficult time for Kyoto Animation would be a severe understatement. On July 18, the company’s Fushimi studio was the site of the worst mass murder in modern Japanese history, with 35 employees killed when an arsonist lit the building on fire. Eight months later, Kyoto Animation, like all companies in the anime industry, is facing an extremely uncertain business climate as the coronavirus outbreak causes the cancellation of just about every planned anime industry and fan event, including the Anime Japan convention in Tokyo and Street Festa cosplay gathering in Osaka.

And yet, Kyoto Animation has still made the incredibly generous decision to make 17 of its critically acclaimed anime TV series and movies free to watch online, with the first becoming available today.

While it doesn’t specifically mention the coronavirus, Kyoto Animation’s announcement came on March 5, well after the disease began dominating the public’s attention in Japan. As part of video streaming site Niconico Douga’s Spring Vacation Youth Anime Special event, the TV series/movies will become available in a staggered schedule between March 16 and March 31 (the length of time each will be available has not been announced).

At least one new Kyoto Animation title/season/movie will be released every day, with a double dose on March 30 and a triple helping on the 31st.

March 16: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, K-On!
March 17: K-On!! (episodes 1-14)
March 18: K-On!! (episodes 15-24)
March 19: Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
March 20: Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions -Heart Throb-
March 21: Sound! Euphonium
March 22: Sound! Euphonium 2
March 23: Hyoka (episodes 1-11)
March 24: Hyoka (episodes 12-22)
March 25: Air

March 26: Kannon (episodes 1-12)
March 27: Kannon (episodes 13-24)
March 28: Clannad
March 29: Clannad After Story
March 30: K-On! The Movie!, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
March 31: Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! Take on Me, Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – Welcome to the Kitauji High School Concert Band, Sound! Euphonium: Todoketai Melody

While it isn’t the only anime company making its works free to watch, the gesture is especially touching coming from Kyoto Animation. With all the company has been through, no one would bat an eye if the company were to say, “Sorry, but right now we need every single yen we can get,” and yet KyoAni, even after losing so much, still finds ways to give something back to its fans, once again showing the priority it places on human happiness and well-being.

Related Niconico Douga links for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya,
K-On!, K-On!! (1, 2), Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions -Heart Throb-, Sound! Euphonium, Sound! Euphonium 2, Hyoka (1, 2), Air, Kannon (1, 2), Clannad, Clannad After Story, K-On! The Movie!, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! Take on Me, Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – Welcome to the Kitauji High School Concert Band/Sound! Euphonium: Todoketai Melody
Source: PR Times via Livedoor News/Anime Ju via Jin
Images: PR Times
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