Girls und Panzer is a popular anime, manga and light novel series following a group of girls who live in an alternate universe where women participate in “the art of battling tanks” and young girls attend schools where they learn to operate WWII-era tanks as a martial art. The series is extremely popular in Japan as well as abroad and will soon be turned into a video game for PS Vita.
Garuzu & Pantsa
- Bear breaks into house in Japan, quickly begins spending winter exactly like Japanese people do
- After being snatched up by scalpers, Sailor Moon chocolate returns in officially marked-up complete box
- Starbucks Japan releases cute new zodiac goods for Year of the Snake
- What’s in a Family Mart lucky bag?
- Starbucks releases a Bouquet Frappuccino in Japan…but does it taste like a bunch of flowers?
- Foreign resident of Japan sentenced to eight months in prison for vandalizing Tokyo shrine
- Dangly Totoro Japanese sweets charms are every bit as sweet and charming as you’d imagine【Photos】
- Ramen restaurant etiquette reminder follows altercation with angry couple: One person, one bowl
- How merry is Starbucks Japan’s new Merry Cream holiday Frappuccino?
- Cup Noodle’s Nissin develops space ramen, space curry rice for astronauts to eat among the stars
- This downtown Tokyo cafe is like a time machine that takes you back 50 years into the past
- Station of despair: What to do if you get stuck at the end of Tokyo’s Chuo Rapid Line
- Starbucks Japan reveals new winter holiday goods to wrap up 2024
- Bear breaks into house in Japan, quickly begins spending winter exactly like Japanese people do
- Ramen restaurant etiquette reminder follows altercation with angry couple: One person, one bowl
- Japanese train station vending machine has the best souvenirs for rail otaku
- Japanese government will check and judge new baby name pronunciations, presents guidelines
- Tokyo’s Super Mario Christmas decoration displays are super cool【Photos】
- Japanese company develops classy heavy metal band frames for glasses
- Totoro towels gently glow in the dark to set the Ghibli nighttime mood in your home【Photos】
- Possessing Harry Potter’s Sword of Godric Gryffindor is now illegal in Japan
- Uniqlo announces first-ever collaboration with horror manga master Junji Ito【Photos】
- J-pop mega star Ado reveals she’s been living in the U.S., may not understand language acquisition
- Starbucks Japan is calling it quits with paper straws
- Japan’s most popular castle raising ticket prices by up to 200 percent for non-local tourists
- Japanese company develops classy heavy metal band frames for glasses
- Furikake rice seasoning sales are soaring, which is bad news for Japan as a whole
- This downtown Tokyo cafe is like a time machine that takes you back 50 years into the past
- Studio Ghibli heroine cardigans give you warmth and strength to face everyday challenges
- Station of despair: What to do if you get stuck at the end of Tokyo’s Chuo Rapid Line
- McDonald’s new Happy Meals offer up cute and practical Sanrio lifestyle goods
- Foreign tourists on Shinkansen bullet train break suitcase etiquette, angering local passengers
- Possessing Harry Potter’s Sword of Godric Gryffindor is now illegal in Japan
- [Deleted] Article written for April Fool’s Day 2018
- Japanese government to make first change to romanization spelling rules since the 1950s
- Foreigner’s request for help in Tokyo makes us sad for the state of society
- Japanese convenience store Family Mart announces abolishment of eat-in spaces
- Life-size vibrating Legend of Zelda Master Sword for sale from Nintendo【Photos】
- Princesses, fruits, and blacksmiths: Study reveals the 30 most unusual family names in Japan
- Studio Ghibli releases free-download board game — Here’s how to play it without reading Japanese
- Foreign resident of Japan sentenced to eight months in prison for vandalizing Tokyo shrine
- Dangly Totoro Japanese sweets charms are every bit as sweet and charming as you’d imagine【Photos】
- Ramen restaurant etiquette reminder follows altercation with angry couple: One person, one bowl
- How merry is Starbucks Japan’s new Merry Cream holiday Frappuccino?
- Cup Noodle’s Nissin develops space ramen, space curry rice for astronauts to eat among the stars
- Why the new Dragon Ball Daima anime is a perfect place for veteran fans to come back to the series
- ‘A Cruel Angel’s Thesis’ took just two hours to write says Evangelion lyricist Neko Oikawa
- The Vatican now has an official anime-style mascot character【Video】
- Tokyo Cancel Christmas protest march cancelled by Revolutionary Alliance of Unpopular Men
- Super Budget Dining in Japan – What’s the best way to spend 1,000 yen (US$6.70) at Saizeriya?
- Clever design trick means beautiful Ghibli Artboard Jigsaw Puzzles won’t have bittersweet ending
- This stoic gentleman is Sailor Suit Old Man?!?
- Abuse Cafe Japan: We get abused by waitresses in maids’ uniforms at Tokyo’s viral pop-up diner