
Gone are the days when schoolbooks were made up of pages and pages of text. Today’s textbooks are just as likely to be filled with glossy, colourful images to engage and entertain students. This Thai textbook publisher, however, has come under fire for apparently sourcing an image from the internet to use on a book’s front cover – which turned out to be a photo of a Japanese adult video star.

The cover of ‘Basic Mathematics’, from publisher MuangThaiBook, is bright and colourful, with some typically mathsy images of teachers grinning at the camera and looking thoughtfully at equations. Front row centre is a young Japanese woman in a suit, who appears to be examining an important-looking file labelled “Mathematics”.


Only, that’s AV actress Mana Aoki, and the photo was originally a promotional shot for an adult video entitled “Costume Play Working Girl”. The textbook in question is now being sold with a new (presumably non-sexy) cover, although not before 3,000 copies had already been distributed.


I guess it’s true what they say – in the internet age, you should be careful about what kind of porn you make, because the photos might end up in a math textbook one day.

Alright, they don’t say that. But they should.

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