When you’re ill or your life is in danger, it’s natural to feel gratitude towards those who aided your recovery or saved your life. But what do you do to show your gratitude?
One elderly woman from Nara Prefecture, Japan, felt so grateful to the ambulances who often help her, that she decided to donate a brand new ambulance to her local fire station. And it wasn’t just any ambulance – this was a top-of-the-line model worth 2.7 million yen (over US$22,000)!
93-year-old Fukuko Kitamuro donated the state-of-the-art ambulance to the Yoshino Town fire department as a way of saying thanks for helping her in times she was sick or injured.
What makes this ambulance special is that it has a 2,600cc engine, four-wheel-drive capabilities, a larger interior than normal ambulances, and is equipped with ventilators and other devices which would allow paramedics to perform life-saving procedures while en route to the hospital.
The local fire department already had four ambulances, but was able to replace one of its older models with the new one Ms. Kitamuro donated. The vice superintendent of the prefectural fire fighting association and the Yoshino Town mayor expressed their gratitude for the generous gift, and Japanese net users had lots of good things to say about her as well:
“Such a cool old woman!”
“I want to be like her.”
“That’s such a great way to put her assets to use.”
“What a nice old woman. I hope she lives a long life.”
We couldn’t agree more. Thank you for your generosity, Ms. Kitamuro. You rock!
Sources: Sankei West, Hachima Kikou
Featured image: Kawasaki City homepage
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