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His trip around the world was due to a fan who couldn’t focus on studying and instead used her time to send the TV host a box of Korean munchies.

Last week on Conan, the host announced that he had received an adorable letter from a fan in South Korea named Sunny Lee, who instead of studying for the Korean version of the SATs was busy putting together a huge box of Korean snacks along with a letter.

After receiving such a fantastic box of food, the famous comedian decided to repay her thoughtfulness by heading off to South Korea and thanking her in person. What would await the TV host when he finally touched down at Incheon Airport?

But is the over-six-foot-tall host even that well-known in South Korea? Would Sunny Lee be the only person waiting for him at the airport?

▼ Wow. We don’t think anyone was expecting this.

There turned out to be hordes of Conan fans waiting to greet him and he looks momentarily shocked at this overwhelming gathering. While there will be an episode about his time in South Korea that will air later, he’s been sharing several pictures of his travels thus far.

▼ He met his super fan, Sunny Lee.


▼ He made a another new Korean friend.


▼ And took that friend out for a few drinks.


▼ He met up with an old friend, Steven Yeun, who he visited a Korean spa with.


▼ Of course they went to the DMZ together. Who knows what naughty tricks Conan tried?

There are still a number things for him to do before he heads back to the States and we hope they include meeting Psy, joining a K-pop group, or maybe acting in a Korean drama. The adventures of Conan in Korea can be followed through his website or his official Instagram account. It’s a fish-out-of-water story that we can all relate to, even if we aren’t famous and don’t have our own talk show.

Source: YouTube/Team Coco, YouTube/KpopLadiez 5
Top image: Instagram/kwon_nick (edited by RocketNews24)