The mere sight of this feudal Japanese shadow hero will strike fear into the hearts of criminals.

The idea of combining Batman with samurai and ninja elements might sound ludicrous at first, but the recent action-packed Batman Ninja anime has proved that the concept was nothing short of brilliant.

Now, Japanese hobby product manufacturer Good Smile Company has created limited-edition figurines of the crime-busting vigilante in his cool feudal Japan armor. Measuring an impressive 70 centimeters (27.6 inches) in height, only 1,000 of these will ever be made.

Based on art by Takashi Okazaki, the genius behind the anime film’s character designs, the figure captures the moment Batman launches off the top of a castle roof, shedding off his bulky outer samurai-like armor in favor of a stealthy ninja outfit.

▼ Minute details like the flowing cape, intricate chain mail ringlets…

▼ …torn rope, and Batman’s magnificent posture make this a masterpiece.

Batman may be the star of the show, but let’s not forget the amount of effort poured into the castle roof too. With crumbling tiles exposing a timber frame, the entire figure is worth every bit of its 92,407 yen (US$835) price tag.

▼ Each statue is imprinted with a unique serial number.

▼ The Dark Ninja strikes from above.

▼ Joker would be quivering in his boots.

▼ Just look at the level of detail here!

A feudal lord Joker figure is also in the works,
which would perfectly complement this incredible piece.

▼ Here’s a size comparison using a smartphone.

This sweet limited-edition collector’s item is made-to-order, with reservations via the Good Smile Online Shop here expected to end on 8 August. Although the statues won’t be delivered until April next year, we’re sure it’s worth the wait.

Batman has some of the coolest figurines out there, but this Batman Ninja takes the cake. And if this is already so awesome, we can’t imagine how the Joker statue will turn out.

Source: Good Smile Online Shop, Good Smile Company via Otapol
Images: Good Smile Company

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