If you were terrified by the Ring series featuring Sadako, you may want to steer clear of this particular brand of toilet paper. But, you may ask, how can toilet paper be terrifying? Well, once you read about this unique toilet paper, I think you’ll agree that it’s one scary product! This toilet paper, made by tissue and toilet paper manufacturer Hayashi Paper, has printed on it a novella by Koji Suzuki, the author of the original Ring novels! And the best part? It’s now going to be available in English!

The novella, which is printed in three volumes (or three rolls in this case), is titled “The Drop“, and yes, it’s a horror story. The Japanese version of the toilet paper was sold in 2009 and 2010 at 210 yen ($2.63) per volume, and it was a big hit, selling over 300,000 volumes.

Now, the English version of the novella will be coming out on June 21st and will be available at a price of 630 yen ($7.88) for the complete set of three volumes. The English version is scheduled to be sold overseas as well. In fact, the manufacturers seem quite serious about promoting the toilet paper overseas, as they have personally delivered the toilet paper to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry recently as a unique Japanese product that can be marketed in countries around the world.

Considering Sadako’s fame and popularity (or would notoriety be more appropriate?), it’s quite possible that this toilet paper could become an international hit. If you enjoy horror, you’ll want to check this product out, but it may be wise not to start reading the story in the toilet when you’re alone at night – unless you really want to scare yourself!

Source: mainichi.jp (Japanese)
Hayashi Paper website (Japanese)

▼This is what the Japanese version looked like.

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