
Ah, spring. The season of love. Or at least it’s supposed to be. Some people get completely passed by, leaving them staring at cherry blossoms alone and no one to share their delicious strawberry kakigouri (shave ice) with. They’re just… lonely. So very, very lonely.

But maybe you want to change that. Find someone to spend the summer vacation with, someone to laugh at your jokes, bicker with about which Pokémon is cutest.

Well, now you can–through Twitter!


Kazzwatabe: bringing people together via their desperate tweets

A new website called “Tsukiaeba”, or “Why don’t you get together?”, is currently burning up the Japanese Net. The site basically reposts tweets containing the phrases “I want a boyfriend” and “I want a girlfriend” in two columns–one for each phrase.

For people interested in finding a boyfriend or girlfriend (or both, we suppose), they simply need to tweet out “I want a boyfriend” or “I want a girlfriend” in Japanese. The website will find the tweets and add them to its list, where other users can scroll through the list of potential partners until someone catches their eye. Unfortunately, it looks like tweets have to be written in Japanese at this point in time, but that’s all the more reason to learn, right?

See: love’s easy when you know how!

Kazzwatabe, the young but distinguished entrepreneur pictured above, created the site and tweeted about it on May 28, inviting people to check it out. (We can only assume that he’d finally gotten sick of reading his friends’ mopey tweets.)

Following Kazzwatabe’s tweet, numerous people started tweeting their desires for significant others, which of course were then picked up by the new site and posted for all to see.

We wish all of those lonely hearts luck! It would be pretty darn cool if some wonderful relationships got started this way. Until, of course, they have to explain to their kids how mommy and daddy met. (“Well, son, your she was desperate. And that’s where I stepped in.”)

▼Tsukiaeba: for those who find 141 characters one too many.


Images: Wikipedia (sakura trees), Twitter, Tsukiaeba
[ Read in Japanese ]

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