Someone in this store has been having a bit of fun with the mannequins; or should we say Japannequins. These mannequins seem unusually flexible, even boasting poseable fingers, and have been contorted into poses that many Japanese people would recognize – but do you?
These funky mannequins are posed in a homage to popular manga and anime series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken), which was serialized in the Weekly Shonen Jump comic from 1986 to 2004. The characters all have special powers and special poses to match, drawn in mangaka Hirohiko Araki’s distinctive style.
A fan on Reddit explained: “Both poses are a homage to two characters from the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series, which is a pretty successful manga/anime over in Japan. The left one is more familiar to some as it’s been done by DIO and is infamous for the ‘WRYYYY’ screech, as for the right pose it’s done by the part 4 antagonists stand ‘Killer Queen'”
▼One amateur artist decided to add the character’s faces to make them more recognizable. And some squiggly “power”.
▼Others less familiar with the manga thought perhaps it was a more cynical commentary on the potential wearers of the suits.
▼Business, yeah!
Whether you recognize their origin or not, these Japannequins are pretty eye-catching and sure to attract the attention of potential customers. Perhaps this will be the start of a craze? If so, then RocketNews24 will be here as usual to bring you all the latest photos!
Source: Reddit via LabaQ
Images: Reddit
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