Sweet treat flies under the radar for locals, but becomes a massive hit with overseas visitors.

According to the Japan Tourism Bureau, the number of foreign visitors to Japan in 2024 was 36,869,900, the highest ever. The increase is noticeable in the country’s top tourist spots, and, interestingly, in sales at convenience stores, with 7-Eleven reporting inbound tourist demand for its products has been up 120 percent compared to last year, and 150 percent in popular areas.

This so-called “inbound demand” was the topic of a recent news release from the convenience store chain, in which they revealed some interesting insights. Firstly, they shared news of the product that was most popular with American touristsPancakes with Maple Syrup and Margarine.

▼ As an added surprise, we learned that Americans were hacking the pancakes by adding fried chicken to them.

The report also detailed other products that were popular with international tourists, with visitors from Europe, America and Australia favouring the Egg Sandwich, and South Koreans choosing Wasabi Paste, Radish Oden, and Sweet Soy Sauce-glazed Skewered Dumplings.

▼ People from Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand go for the Berries&Yoghurt Smoothie.

In terms of sales, though, there’s one product that surpasses them all, having skyrocketed in popularity after going viral on social media in China, South Korea, and Taiwan, leading those tourists to buy up…

▼ …the Gummy Chocolate — Shine Muscat Grape!

This humble sweet, which tends to get overlooked by locals, is so coveted by these tourists that sales have increased tenfold in the past six months.

▼ The relatively cheap 149-yen (US$0.96) price tag makes these good value-for-money souvenirs.

So…does the taste justify its popularity? Popping a ball into your mouth reveals an unusual texture that’s both surprising and addictive. The chocolate melts on the palate as the refreshing aroma of Shine Muscat in the gummy takes centre stage, creating a very elegant chocolate gummy.

We had no idea such a delicious gummy was hiding under our noses, but now we know it exists, we’ll definitely be adding it to our shopping basket whenever we stop by. Plus, it’s a delicious treat that’ll pair particularly well with the chain’s secret cafe latte smoothie…if you can find it!

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