One of the oddest and yet most popular idols in Japan is the Vocaloid, Hatsune Miku. She sings, she dances, and fans think of her more as a living, breathing person than the virtual reality project that she is. She makes a ton of money from her live concerts and merchandise and her only real competition is her other female Vocaloid friends.
But perhaps that is about to change, as a new duo of virtual reality idols hit the Internet today, launching their careers with a preview of their upcoming single along with their sultry computer-generated good looks. Introducing Kazuto and Ray from the group Eight of Triangle!
Toei Company is no stranger to the entertainment business; they are the geniuses behind many Kamen Rider movies, Battle Royal, and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, among other things. Now they are going to enter the music industry and try their hands at producing a couple of virtual idols. On October 9, they announced the official debut of Eight of Triangle, a pair of male studs that are obviously looking to give Hatsune Miku a run for her money.
The group consists of two men, Kazuto and Ray, who have everything you’d want in virtual reality idols: good looks, coordinated clothing and hair that would be way more effort than it’s worth if it was real.
Eight of Triangle Website (edited by RocketNews24)
In celebration of their debut and as a teaser for the release of their first song, “heart to erode”, they uploaded an amazing video to YouTube which you can watch below.
As you can see by watching their performance, Ray is the vocals of the group with Kazuto participating more as the man behind the words, the composer. The duo will release a CD, perform live concerts, and of course have plenty of merchandise for their adoring fans to purchase. We imagine these two virtual boys will be pretty busy in the coming months.
▼ Rain won’t dampen their musical talents
▼ Look how they do normal, everyday things like ride the train! They are just like real people!
▼ Dr. Dre is also behind their group…or at least his headphones are.
You can tell that this is a meticulously planned-out attempt at virtual male idols. A team of marketers probably spent a lot of time designing both the look of the duo and the name of the band. Eight of Triangle sounds like a whole lot of nonsense, but if you look around at all their promotional material you can see that the name cleverly ties everything together.
▼ So…many…triangles…nevermind, just eight of them
Look forward to more of Eight of Triangle, especially if they become as popular as Hatsune Miku. If they can come out with some catchy tunes, we think Toei might be sitting on a “virtual” gold mine here. Best of luck to the new pop duo!
Source: Nijimen
Top Image: Eight of Triangle Website
Inset Images: YouTube/EIGHT OF TRIANGLE
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