death stranding top

Hideo Kojima proves yet again that he’s the master of making us want more.

Back in December, fans of the Metal Gear franchise had their hearts broken when Hideo Kojima, the series’ legendary game creator, officially parted ways with Konami, the company that had published all Metal Gear titles up until that point.

Since then, we’ve been teased with what Kojima and his new production studio, Kojima Productions, have been working on, but we haven’t gotten any specific details other than “it’s a new game.”

But during E3, we finally got a look at what this “new game” is. It has a name, Death Stranding, and it has a trailer, which you can view right here: (Scroll down for highlights.)

▼ We start off as all great trailers do: with dead crabs.

death stranding 01

▼ Followed by mysterious handprints….

death stranding 02

▼ …all leading to a naked man…

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▼ …and a baby?! What is going on here?

death stranding 04

If you’re intrigued, then be sure to watch the full trailer. And for those who are curious, yes, that is Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead playing the naked man. Why was he chosen for this role? Only time (or baseless wild speculation) will tell.

I don’t know about you, but I got chills watching that trailer, and I can’t remember the last time a trailer for a video game did that. I don’t even know what kind of game this is yet (action, horror, RPG), but I don’t care. I am sold.

Of course, this could all be strategically planned by Kojima, who famously said that endings are the “least necessary” part of the game, and making the beginning as cool as possible is what really matters.

Either way, Kojima has certainly succeeded in creating a dazzling debut for “Death Stranding.” And with Kojima having expressed his desire for his new game to “become a series” and lead to “something outside of games, such as anime, manga, figures; something that is rich enough to expand,” we can be sure that we’ll be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.

Source: YouTube/KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS via engadget Japan

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