
Onigiri Action World Food Day campaign is donating meals to children in Africa and Asia for every rice ball photo shared online with its hashtag.

When you’re feeling a rumble in your stomach, it’s hard to beat a nice onigiri, as rice balls are called in Japanese. Simple, healthy, and something you can eat without any silverware, onigiri just might be the perfect way to quickly refuel your body.

Of course, not everyone in the world is fortunate enough to have enough to eat. That’s why charity organization Table for Two has launched the Onigiri Action campaign, in observance of World Food Day, which is coming up on October 16.


For every onigiri photo posted with the hashtag #OnigiriAction on social media, including Facebook and Twitter, Table for Two will provide five school meals to hungry children in Africa and Asia. The project’s generous sponsors include online retailer Rakuten, lifestyle company Mujirushi Ryohin, tea companies Yamamotoyama and Itoen, condiment maker Otafuku, and California rice grower Nishiki.

The onigiri in your pictures don’t have to be homemade, so a snapshot of ones you bought at a Japanese convenience store or market will work fine. You don’t have to be living in Japan to participate, either. As a matter of fact, the Onigiri Action website has a continually updated map showing where photos bearing the hashtag originated, and there are already a number from the U.S. and Europe.


You can post as many photos as you want during the campaign, and even if you don’t have a social media presence, you can still participate by uploading your onigiri photos directly to Onigiri Action’s website, the English version of which can be found here. The campaign will be running until November 30, so the next time you’re craving a bite to eat, consider taking a few moments to help out some kids who’re hungry too.

Related: Onigiri Action
Source, images: Onigiri Action

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