A very fancy residence for very good boys and girls.

There’s an undeniable beauty to traditional Japanese architecture. The dynamic sloping roofs, expressive wood grain, and other distinct characteristics all create an aura of rustic elegance, somehow strong yet delicate at the same time.

This kind of architecture is most often seen in Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, but now it can also be found in what may be the world’s coolest doghouse.

Osaka’s Bunkaizai Kozo Keikaku also goes by the name Heritage Structure Engineering Design, Inc., and as you might guess, the company’s focus is preserving and renovating historical and classical buildings, particularly temples and shrines. They’re venturing into a new field, though, with the Inudono, coming from the Japanese words inu (“dog”) and dono (“feudal lord”).

▼ So stately.

The Inudono isn’t a cheap replica made of cardboard, paper particleboard, or other flimsy materials that may or may not end in -board. It’s constructed out of Japanese hinoki and keyaki cypress, with a granite base and a copper plate roofing. The doghouse is built by hand by carpenters and metalworker craftsman who spend the rest of their time working on shrines and temples, and they employ the same techniques when building the Inudono, as shown in the video here.

The exterior dimensions are listed as 119.1 centimeters tall by 122.5 wide (46.9 by 48.2 inches), with the opening to the interior 41 centimeters tall and 39.4 wide.

This sort of craftsmanship, though, requires quite a bit of time. From order to completion, Bunkaizai Kozo Keikaku estimates a wait of six to twelve months.

As for the cost, the price for the Inudono is, surprisingly, listed not in yen but in U.S. dollars, at US$150,000. It’s definitely a lot to drop on a dog house, but in architectural terms, you’re essentially having a Japanese shrine built by hand, which isn’t a cheap project by any means. The size of the financial commitment means that you can’t just buy the Inudono with a quick click from the company’s online store, so you’ll instead need to contact Bunkaizai Kozo Keikaku through their website here, with the buyer of the first Inudono to be chosen by a lottery system, and subsequent orders filled thereafter.

Source: PR Times
Top image: PR Times
Insert images: PR Times, Bunkaizai Kozo Keikaku
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