
Literally wipe out your chances of academic failure with prep school’s unique erasers

One school hopes a simple motivational tool will help students get into their dream universities.  

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Does catching a female co-worker’s eraser win her heart like it does in video games?

Seiji attempts to apply the romantic logic of dating simulators to the real world.

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The Apex of Eraser Technology Has Been Met with “Resare Premium Type Plastic Eraser”

I’m a man of fine taste and refinement.  I write only the highest quality documents on the highest quality paper with the highest quality pencils.  However, when I make only the highest quality mistakes I demand that only the highest quality eraser be used to correct them.  That is why on 10 August, I will be going to the highest quality stationary store to buy the Resare Premium Type Plastic Eraser – the eraser to end all erasers.

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