Balance of intelligence factors makes Japan the world’s smartest country, according to this list

A combination of average IQ scores and other factors earned Japan its spot on the top.

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Vegetables are smarter than fruits: Three high IQ Japanese veggies

I’ve lived among Japanese fruits and vegetables for 17 years and one thing I can say for sure is that vegetables are waaay smarter than fruits.

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Environmentalists angered by new research that suggests dolphins have low IQs and behave violently

For many, the word “dolphin” conjures up images of docile, intelligent creatures that are often considered to be the heroes of the sea, pushing stranded swimmers back to shore and fending off predatory sharks whenever they’re not skipping alongside boats and generally being cute. However researchers from St. Andrew’s University in the United Kingdom have released controversial information that suggests that this is far from the case, resulting in uproar among dolphin conservation groups who argue strongly that dolphins should be protected on account of their high IQs. The news has also shocked many dolphin lovers who regard the creatures as some of the most intelligent and sociable in the world.

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