Okay, we’ve already shown you in the past how utterly adorable otters can be. Now, Miyajima Public Aquarium in Hiroshima Prefecture is offering the public a chance to learn more about their oriental small-clawed otters by giving us a unique, 33-hour live feed look into the otter exhibit. That’s right, it’s a live internet otter-cam that will let you see how the critters spend their days and nights, and we’re sure it will be a total delight for otter fans!
From 9 am Japan Standard Time on April 30 (Wed) to 6 pm on May 1 (Thu), live footage from a camera showing the oriental small-clawed otter exhibit will be broadcast on the Internet via the Japanese video sharing site Niconico. You can access the footage right here.
The otters in the exhibit include Ulto, who gained fame as the little otter with the doya-gao (a smug expression full of himself), and also his mother, Tsubame.
▼Ulto, the smug-faced otter …
▼… and Tsubame, his mom — she’s a foxy lookin’ one!
The staff at Miyajima Public Aquarium are hoping the live broadcast will offer an interesting look into how the otters usually eat, sleep and play.
Who knows, it could actually be fascinating to see a day in the life of an oriental small-clawed otter, and judging from how popular otter exhibits are (especially one where you can shake hands with an otter), we wouldn’t be surprised if a huge number of people tune in to the Niconico broadcast. Let’s hope the otters give us an exciting performance!
Source: Miyajima Public Aquarium
Top Image: Twitter@manbou400
Other photos: Miyajima Public Aquarium
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