Spooky shots of the abandoned Fukushima disaster area taken with a drone

Spooky shots of the abandoned Fukushima disaster area taken with a drone

Japanese aerial photography company HEXaMedia flew a drone equipped with cameras through Tomioka, Japan, the largely abandoned town that played host to the Fukushima nuclear meltdown.

It edited together a number of spooky shots into a 7-minute video that you can watch here. Check out the most stunning shots in the gallery below.

Tomioka, Japan is an especially quiet town after the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear reactor.

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A solar-powered device measures ambient radiation still left over from the event.

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By and large, people are nowhere to be found.

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This used to be an operational train station that’s become overgrown and unusable.

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Even from a drone’s high vantage point, there’s little evidence of people outside of their abandoned homes and shops.

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The most obvious thing one can see is evidence of the tsunami’s destruction.

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The tsunami was powerful enough to pick up a boat and set it down next to this road.

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Pulling away from the boat by drone, we can see just how far inland the tsunami swept the boat.

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Plant life bounced back relatively quickly, but a lot of people were not so lucky.

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Those who survived saw their homes destroyed.

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Looking at things up close, we see lots of garbage left behind.

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Looking at things from farther away, it’s overwhelmingly desolate.

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Tomioka’s future is a bit uncertain.

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You can watch the complete video here.

Fukushima Tomioka the abandoned city from HEXaMedia on Vimeo.

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