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Japan is known, fairly or unfairly, for weird music. We’ve introduced plenty of bands that simply produce great music and other groups that are a bit out there. And make no mistake–we love them all! Sometimes “weird” is just part of the music–after all, David Bowie wouldn’t be David Bowie if he didn’t leave us wondering what planet he was really born on.

Namakopuri, an “art idol” group that consists of two young artists dressed in nurse costumes, is certainly on the weird end of the spectrum. In fact, we might even go so far as to say that their new video, “Namakopuri’s Trap,” is the weirdest thing we’ve seen all week. It’s also insanely catchy; we promise you’ll be hearing it in your dreams–or maybe nightmares–tonight!

Normally, we’d give you some background about the group and the music first, but this is best experienced without introduction.

▼”Namakopuri’s Trap”

The video for this fever dream of EDM-based idol music was actually directed by namacolove, the taller girl shown on the right in the video, who is a self-taught artist/animator. The young woman captured the attention of Japanese Internet users in 2008 with the following video of a refrigerator magnet extolling his love for the young woman on whose door he hangs…in perhaps the creepiest way possible.

After a couple of years, namacolove’s videos–and disturbing characters–eventually became popular enough for her to release goods, open gallery exhibitions, and perform shows featuring bizarre videos. In 2012, she started performing with Mako Principal–usually shortened to Mako Puri–as Namakopuri.

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While namacolove is a self-taught artists, Mako Principal matriculated from one of the oldest art school in Japan–Tokyo University of the Arts, which boasts a lengthy list of prestigious alumni. Having earned both an undergraduate and graduate degree from the university, Mako Puri’s artwork, which looks like a Lisa Frank acid trip, has appeared in numerous exhibitions and earned several awards.

▼It’s all starting to make sense…

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▼She also does cosplay!


Though Namakopuri, obviously a combination of their names, have been working together for a few years now, their discography is still a bit limited. In addition to “Namakopuri’s Trap,” which was released with a couple of remixes, they’ve also released another song “Namakopuri’s Number 110” as shibuya OIRAN warm up Girls EP, which is available on iTunes and Amazon Japan. The duo have also posted some songs on SoundCloud:

First, there’s “Namakopuri’s Shampoo.”

And next there’s this entirely disconcerting T.A.T.U. cover.

Though they may be artists, they’re not afraid of cashing in like any other idol group–Namakopuri has also lent their art skills to Tenga. In case you’ve forgotten, Tenga is the “masturbation aid” that was combined with an Oculus Rift to bring about the end of humanity. At least their sponsorships are as baffling as their music and art!

▼No comment.

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Most recently, Namakopuri made a guest appearance in hell-themed Japanese rap group Hel Climb’s newest video, “Hell Ward 24 Hours.” The rapping could be better, but the Namakopuri sections are equal parts disturbing and entertaining.

▼This is probably not safe for work…

While Namakopuri is certainly the weirdest idol group we’ve come across so far, at least their intentions seem to be good. As they explain in a video for French TV and on their website, the group’s goal is to “soothe your heart.” We’re not sure how soothed we’re feeling after that Hel Climb video, but another listen of “Namakopuri’s Trap” should put us in a dancing mood!

Though it might be time to make another appointment with the psychiatrist. That sweaty mushroom is definitely going to give us Freudian nightmares…

References: NamakopuriMako Principal, namacolove, Oiran Music, Facebook
Images: Namakopuri, Mako Principal