Nintendo announced during the “Monthly Famitsu feat. Pokémon Special” live-streamed program that an action/fighting game titled Pokkén Tournament (Pokkén being a pun on the words Pokémon and ‘fist’) will be released for Japanese arcades in 2015. Bandai Namco Games is collaborating on the development of the project.

Two of the Pokémon teased in the promotional video unveiled at the announcement conference are Lucario and Machamp, and the video confirms that the brief footageshown at the Pokémon Game Show was in fact Pokkén Tournament.

The Pokemon Company International filed trademarks for “Pokkén Fighters” and “PokkénTournament” in America on August 15.


The official Pokémon YouTube channel began streaming a teaser video for the Pokkén Tournament Japanese arcade game on Tuesday. The video features fighting gameplay between Lucario and Machamp.

Nintendo announced during the “Monthly Famitsu feat. Pokémon Special” live-streamed program that this action/fighting game will debut Japanese arcades in 2015. Bandai Namco Games is collaborating on the development.

Here is the introductory video and special video in Japanese:

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