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Recreating food from our favorite movies and anime is nothing new. We’ve already seen ramen straight out of Naruto and herring and pumpkin pot pie a la Kiki’s Delivery Service. But what is unusual is that this time it’s not die-hard anime fans breathing life into 2-D delicacies, but a cafeteria at one school in Japan. You won’t believe this special school menu featuring a week of delicious looking dishes from some of Hayao Miyazaki’s most famous works.

The Ghibli meal is brought to us by Twitter user @X_CirnoLove_X, who tweeted the following image of the school lunch menu his little brother brought home:

▼ “I’m so jealous of my little bro’s school lunch. I wish they did this when I was in school.”

As you can see, the menu features images of food from many iconic Ghibli classics. It’s a little small, so here’s a breakdown of the week’s Ghibli meals:

Monday, October 27 : Porco Rosso

Hotel Adriano’s salmon in a cream sauce
Fio’s spaghetti in tomato sauceScreen Shot 2014-10-30 at 3.56.56 PM

Tuesday, October 28 : My Neighbor Totoro

Satsuki’s bento
Grandma’s ohagi (rice ball coated with sweetened red beans)Screen Shot 2014-10-30 at 4.01.10 PM

Wednesday, November 29 : Ponyo & The Castle of Cagliostro

Ponyo’s gomoku ramen
Castle of Cagliostro wine (grape gelatin)Screen Shot 2014-10-30 at 4.07.30 PM

Thursday, October 30 : Castle in the Sky

Pazu’s sunny-side-up egg on toast and an apple
Sheeta’s meatball stewScreen Shot 2014-10-30 at 4.12.20 PM

Friday, October 31 : Kiki’s Delivery Service

Grandma’s herring and pumpkin pot pie85245eab

That certainly does look like an exciting menu! We have no doubt that the lucky kids at this school had no problem finishing their favorite fictional food brought to life. We never thought we’d say this, but can we go back to elementary school just for the lunch?

Source: Jin115

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